Welcome to the Ultracold Quantum Gases Group of Leticia Tarruell

The ultracold quantum gases group is an experimental research group at ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona, Spain. The group was established in June 2013.

In our research we use ultracold (nanokelvin) atomic gases as model systems to explore fundamental phenomena in quantum many-body physics. By exploiting atom-light interactions, we engineer highly controllable artificial quantum materials and probe their properties. Our goal is to employ these systems as quantum simulators for studying open problems in condensed-matter physics, and to realize novel phases without counterpart in the solid-state context. Our research therefore lies at the crossing between quantum optics and condensed-matter physics.

To learn more about our research topics and the experimental techniques that we use, you can have a look at our research page and our publications. You are also welcome to contact us directly with any questions!


Gauge theory

First strontium BEC in Spain: 14/11/2022

Strontium glass cell
Strontium 2D MOT
Potassium LaserTable
Soliton to droplet
Strontium vacuum
Strontium LaserTable
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