
  1. Samuel Mugel, ICFO: Topological bound states of a quantum walk with cold atoms
  2. Alejandro Turpin, UAB: Dipolar potentials for Bose-Einstein condensates based on the conical refraction of light
  3. Aniello Lampo, ICFO. Bose polarons as an Instance of quantum Brownian motion
  4. Pere Mujal, UB. Quantum correlations in binary bosonic mixtures
  5. Georg Heinze, ICFO. Controlled Rephasing of Single Collective Spin Excitations in a Cold Atomic Quantum Memory
  6. Julio Sanz, ICFO. Observation of quantum degenerate mixtures of potassium
  7. Lukas Neumeier, ICFO. Self induced back-action optical trapping in nanophotonic systems
  8. Joan Polo, UAB. Transport of ultracold atoms between concentric traps via spatial adiabatic passage
  9. Antonio Muñoz, UB. Coherent Quantum Phase Slip in two-component Bosonic Atomtronic Circuits
  10. Albert Gallemí, UB. Multidimensional Josephson vortices in spin orbit coupled two-component Bose-Einstein condensates: snake instability and decay through vortex dipoles
  11. David Paredes, ICFO. Storage enhanced nonlinearity in a cold Rydberg ensemble
  12. Emanuele Tirrito, ICFO. Hybrid DMRG simulations
  13. Bruno Juliá Díaz, UB. Macroscopic superpositions of Tonks Girardeau states and the Bose-Fermi mapping
  14. Pau Gómez, ICFO. Coherent magnetometry with ferromagnetic superfluids